Anxiety and Depression
Do you often worry or feel overwhelmed? Do you avoid things?Are you finding it hard to enjoy anything any more? Are you feeling more isolated? Have you noticed feeling more irritable or low? Does it feel like things you used to do now take too much effort? Are you sleeping poorly? Is it difficult to do the basics like eat well or exercise?
There are many factors that can contribute to anxiety and depression impacting our lives and they can show up in a variety of ways. They can leave us feeling exhausted, irritable, tense, fearful and low. Therapy can help us figure out why we are struggling with anxiety and/or depression and then find ways to heal that work for us.
Diabetes and Chronic Illness
Have you had a recent diagnosis of diabetes? Are you supporting a loved one who has diabetes? Does it feel difficult to manage diabetes day to day? Are you finding it difficult to stick to what your doctor would like you to do? Are mental health challenges making it hard to take care of your diabetes?
I have lived with type 1 diabetes for over 30 years and have first-hand experience with some of the challenges it brings. Therapy can be a key element of living well with diabetes and managing it alongside all that life brings.
Are you feeling like your relationship with your partner is not going well?Do you want to work on it together? Are you struggling to get along with a family member? Does it feel hard to make or keep friends? Would you like to feel more connected to the people in your life?
For most of us, the main relationships in our lives are a key element of our well-being. Therapy can be a helpful way to explore what is not working in current relationships and find different ways to connect and communicate with the people we love or the people we just need to get along with...
Are you looking for a place to explore your identity? Do you identify within the queer and/or trans community and are looking for an affirming space to address your mental health challenges or relationship difficulties? Do you need a space to examine how discrimination and oppression have impacted you? Do you need a space to explore the impact of religion and queerness in your life?
Finding a queer-affirming and/or queer-identifying therapist can feel particularly daunting. As a queer-identifying therapist it is important to me to provide a space for queer, trans, and questioning clients. I have extensive experience working with people in the community and I really enjoy creating a space for dialogue that can, at times, be difficult to find.
Life Transitions
Are you going through big changes in your life? Separation? Job loss or retirement? Having a child? Children moving out or moving back? Blending family after divorce? Menopause? Health diagnosis? Changes in identity? Moving? Loss?
Over the course of our lives we experience many changes, some of which can make it difficult to cope. We can find ourselves in situations for which we feel unprepared or that we simply do not want. Therapy offers a chance to work through the challenges and sorrows and figure out how to move forward.
Separation and Divorce
Are you considering separation and need a space to explore what this might mean for you? Do you need some support as you navigate through divorce? Do you have children and are trying to parent as well as you can through separation? Has your partner or spouse asked for separation and it is not what you want?
Separation and divorce can be very difficult and sometimes lengthy processes. Having been through divorce I know from experience that finding support and taking time to reflect on your experience can bring healing and offer the chance to find a better life beyond.